Saturday, 6 March 2021

Will Garbage Ever Rule the World?

As the world is becoming modern, the amount of garbage there is also increasing. The US is considered to be at the forefront of this social buzz matter.
food wasting in garbage 

According to research, about 30 to 60 percent of the food goes to the garbage. Which is worth about 160 billion dollars. If we talk about the whole world, about 1.3 million tonnes of food goes into the garbage every year for various reasons. It is not just a waste of food. Agriculture is also one of the biggest causes of environmental pollution in the world after industrial production.

The production of non-vegetarian food, in many cases, damages the environment more than industrial production. Just think if the production of waste food is stopped and instead of planting trees, that is, the environment can be so good. Of course this is quite complicated.

damage of environment due to carbon Di oxide 
Scientists have come to the conclusion that food is not only wasted in the form of garbage, another reason for its waste is also excess food, and it also damages the environment.

Professor Mauro Serafini from the University of Toramo, Italy, called this "metabolic food waste" when he researched it.

In other words the waste of food which has reached the stomach. Those who eat more than necessary are responsible for this type of food waste. They eat as much as their body's biological needs.
obesity due to eating more than necessary
 Serafini means 140 million tonnes of food is wasted every year only because of these people. That is, 100 times more food is wasted on the earth than food is delivered directly to the dustbin.

The assessment also says that 240 million tonnes of carbon dioxide is increased in the environment every year due to this waste.

The truth is also that we have created such a thing, in which we are producing more food than we need.

Although there are many such deprivations, poverty, and starvation in the world, there is still a large section of the population who have become rich enough to gather and eat more food than their physical needs.
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