Sunday, 20 March 2022

How amorous receive Gold Medal on Facebook

How I am looking, hi friends, hi guys, this is some simple word which is commonly use on Facebook by its user and getting more likes compare to other post.

But remember, that post should be posted by any beautiful girls with her picture.

There are no doubt, girl receive more likes, comments and friend request compression to boys when she post her photos or upload her profile picture.

In other side many dating pages on Facebook give a good place to boys and girls who have no work, to pass their time so easily . although admin of this group promise that “ this group is made to meet and know new peoples and find their true friends and relationship.” 

But I don’t know, why admin of this group approve that types of post which is comes in adult category. Such  as lustful picture. Actually adult content receive more traffic. And this may be reason to approve this types of post.

And now the main aim of this group turn into a place to pass their time in lustful way with sexy photo challenge.

Amorous types of people are waiting to rate and throw like per like, humble comment in sizzling style, and want to show that he is perfect and well-wisher to her. But girls ignore this because they will also know about this real fact.

So girls check notification and feel  proud to seeing how many likes and comments have received on her post . at this moment her happiness is as like as to receive a “Gold medal’ in her life.  

Note :

this post is based on author’s own experience on social sites especial on Facebook. he says this activity like gold medal on Facebook. Readers thought may be differ.  To give your opinion write in comment box.
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