there are no doubts that maximum of us know about this because it is a big issue but here i tell you about this important and some research factor related to global warming.
if you are a knowledge lover then it's for you.
if you are a knowledge lover then it's for you.
Global warming
Global warming or rising global temperatures mean that the
Earth is constantly warming. Scientists say that in the coming days, the
drought will increase, the incidence of floods will increase and the weather
patterns will look completely changed.
In simple terms, global warming means 'the rise in the
temperature of the earth and the changes in the weather due to it' as a result
of this increase in the temperature of the earth (which is estimated at 10
Fahrenheit at an average temperature of 100 years). Changes in rainfall
patterns, melting of glaciers and glaciers, increasing sea level and the
effects on flora and fauna can be revealed. Not.
A common man does not understand how big a problem global
warming is. He finds the term a bit technical. Therefore he does not go to the
bottom of it. It is therefore left as a scientific definition. Most people feel
that the world is currently under no threat from this.
But talking about the world of science, predictions are
being made about global warming. It is being described as the biggest threat of
the 21st century. This threat is believed to be greater than the third world
war or an asteroid hitting the earth.
Reason to global warming
Green houses are the most responsible for climate change due
to global warming. Green house gases are gases that absorb heat or heat coming
from outside. Greenhouse gases are commonly used in extremely cold areas to
keep those plants warm, which are spoiled in extreme cold weather. In such a
situation, these plants are kept in a closed glass house and green house gas is
filled in the glass house. This gas absorbs the heat of the rays coming from
the sun and keeps the plants warm.
The same process happens with the Earth. Some amount of heat of the rays coming from the sun is absorbed by the earth. In this process, greenhouse gases circulating in our environment contribute significantly.
The same process happens with the Earth. Some amount of heat of the rays coming from the sun is absorbed by the earth. In this process, greenhouse gases circulating in our environment contribute significantly.
One of the most important gases in greenhouse gases is
carbon dioxide, which we living animals emit with our breath. Environmental
scientists say that the amount of carbon dioxide gas on the earth has increased
continuously in the last few years. Scientists suggest a deep correlation
between carbon dioxide emissions and temperature rise. In 2006,
a documentary film came out - The Invincible Truth. This documentary film focused on temperature rise and carbon emission. The film had a lead role - US Vice President 'Al Gore' and the film was directed by David Guggenheim. In this film, global warming was depicted as a nettle, the main cause of which was believed to be human activity-generated carbon dioxide gas. The film was widely acclaimed all over the world and the film also received the Oscar Award for Best Documentary.
Although the research work is being done by scientists on global warming, the belief is that carbon emissions are responsible for the increase in temperature on Earth which is caused by human activity. It is also having an impact on the political developments of the world. In 1988, the 'Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change' was formed. In 2007, this inter-governmental team and the then US Vice President 'Al Gore' were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
a documentary film came out - The Invincible Truth. This documentary film focused on temperature rise and carbon emission. The film had a lead role - US Vice President 'Al Gore' and the film was directed by David Guggenheim. In this film, global warming was depicted as a nettle, the main cause of which was believed to be human activity-generated carbon dioxide gas. The film was widely acclaimed all over the world and the film also received the Oscar Award for Best Documentary.
Although the research work is being done by scientists on global warming, the belief is that carbon emissions are responsible for the increase in temperature on Earth which is caused by human activity. It is also having an impact on the political developments of the world. In 1988, the 'Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change' was formed. In 2007, this inter-governmental team and the then US Vice President 'Al Gore' were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
I.P.C.C. In fact, there is an inter-governmental scientific
organization that collects and analyzes all social and economic information
related to climate change. The IPCC was formed in 1988 during the General
Assembly of the United Nations. The team itself does not conduct research nor
does it monitor various climatic factors. Based on research papers published in
reputed journals, this team reaches out to the governments and general public
through its reports on human-caused factors affecting the climate. I.P.C.C.
According to the report, anthropocentric greenhouse gases are presently
responsible for the temperature rise in the environment, which has the highest
amount of carbon dioxide.
This report states that anthropogenic carbon emissions
contribute 90 percent to global warming. While Prof. you are. Rao, based on his
research, is saying that cosmic radiation contributes only 40 percent to global
warming. Apart from this, there are many other factors which contribute to
global warming and research work is going on on them.
Dangerous result
Green house gas is the gas that enters the earth's
atmosphere and becomes a factor in increasing the temperature here. According
to scientists, if the emission of these gases continues in this way, then in
the 21st century, the temperature of the Earth can rise from 3 ° to 8 ° C. If
this happens, the consequences will be very fatal. In many parts of the world,
the sheets of snow will melt, the sea level will rise by several feet.
This behavior of the sea will submerge many parts of the world, causing great destruction. This catastrophe will be greater than the devastation caused by any World War or any 'Asteroid' hitting the earth. This situation will also be very harmful for our planet Earth.
This behavior of the sea will submerge many parts of the world, causing great destruction. This catastrophe will be greater than the devastation caused by any World War or any 'Asteroid' hitting the earth. This situation will also be very harmful for our planet Earth.
Awareness is only one way to stop global warming
There is no cure to stop global warming. It can be fought
only by spreading awareness about it. We have to make our earth truly 'green'.
Your carbon footprints (the measure of carbon emissions per capita) have to be
The more we keep the environment around us free from
pollution, the greater the role we will play in saving this earth.
- Emission of Green House Gases
- 21.3 percent from power station
- 16.8 percent from industry
- 14 percent from traffic and trains
- 12.5% from farming products
- 11.3 percent from fossil fuel use
- 10.33 percent from residential areas
- 10 percent from biomass burning
- 3.4 percent from burning trash
Measures to stop global warming
Scientists and environmentalists say that CFC is mainly used
to reduce global warming. The emission of gases has to be stopped and for this,
the use of fries, air conditioners and other cooling machines will have to be
reduced or machines which emit less CFC gas.
The smoke emanating from the chimneys of industrial units is
harmful and the carbon dioxide released from them increases the heat. Measures
have to be taken to prevent pollution in these units.
Environmental standards will have to be strictly followed to
reduce the impact of smoke from vehicles. Efforts will have to be made to reuse
waste from industries and especially chemical units and stop felling of trees
on priority and emphasize conservation of forests.
Renewable energy measures have to be taken care of, that if
wind power, solar energy and hydroelectricity are taken care of instead of
electricity generated from coal, then control of gases heating the atmosphere
can be found and at the same time there is no stopping of fire in the forests.
Have to be applied.
source contact
Dr. Rama Mehta, Scientist, National Institute of Hydrology,
Roorkee (Uttarakhand) India