सत्ता नाव के समान है, नाव
में सवार हर ब्यक्ति जानता है की नाव डूब रही है। क्यों डूब रही है ? और इसका कारण क्या है ?
इसीलिए डूबती नाव में विमर्श हो रहा है...सत्ता की कुर्सी कैसे बचाएं?
की यह एक खासियत है. योग्य हो या अयोग्य , बड़की
कुर्सी परिवार की उत्तराधिकारी के लिए आरछित होती है।
फिर भी कुछ लोग, मेरे विचार से जिनका अपना कोइ परिवार नहीं है कहते हैं "ये राजनीति नहीं परिवारवाद है।" सच्ची जनता सेवा तो सिर्फ़ और सिर्फ़ उनकी पार्टी ही कर सकती है।
विचार में शामिल चाहे वह
युवा हो या बृद्ध सब जानते है की नावमें
छेद है।
ये विमर्श इस लिए आयोजित किया गया है कि "इस छेद के वावजूद नाव कैसे बचाई जाए ?" सत्ता की दौड़ में फिर से आगेरहने के क्या उपाय है?
तभी किसी ने कहा 'सबसे पहले तो जातीय समीकरणों का अध्ययन कर लेना चाहिए।' सब लोग सहमत दिखे।
हर एक सियासत का यह एक अलिखित नियम है की यदि शीर्ष के पद के विषय में रत्ती भर भी
संसय हो तो अल्पसंखयको को पटाओ। उनमे अपनी के साथअन्य जातियो को भी जोड़ो।दलित, अभावग्रस्त , वंचित के नारे जोर जोर से लगाओ। हर एक
रैलियों में इस बात का जिक्र करो की हम ही हैं जो आपको तरक्की , आपका हक़ , रोजगार। .. दिला सकते है।बाकि की सरकारें आप को धोखा देती है।
के अधिकतर सवारों की कब्ज़ा कुर्सी उनके खानदान की ही देन है। सत्ता हथियाने की
उनकी समय सिद्ध जुगत भी इसी प्रकार की जातीय समीकरण से जुडी है।
फिर कर विमर्श फिर से इसी केंद्र बिंदु पर आ टिकता है की किसको कैसे पटायें ? इतने में नाव में पानी कुछ अधिक भर
चूका है।
सर्वोच्च पद का प्रत्यासी एका एक
त्याग की मुद्रा अपनाता है और धीरे से ही अपने किसी खास सवार से कहता है की इस छेद
पर मेरा त्यागपत्र चिपकाओ।
जनता की ब्यापक
हमदर्दी से शायद पानी रुक जाये?
इस महँ क़ुरबानी सेसब के सब अभिभूत हैं।
सब एक स्वर में उसके नेतृत्व क्षमता का गुणगान करतें है। उनकी तो बस एक ही गुहार
है सब समय चक्र का फेर है आप बस इसी तरह से टीके रहे।
अब घुटनो तक आ गया है। इस
इस्तीफा इसआशा के साथ स्वीकार किया जायेगा की पानी रुकेगा।
हाथ पैर निष्क्रिय पड़े है। तैरना तो आता है , पर
क्या इस उफनती नदी से पार पा पाएंगे ? इसका
भी डर है सबको। अब दूसरे तैरती नाव की तलाश में हैकी अस्तित्व के संकट से छुटकारा मिले।
The news of cigarette smoking addiction among school children also comes on the day. 10 to 11 year olds are smoking e-cigarettes like hookah.
image source:internet
A study has revealed that children studying in 10th and 12th are getting addicted to cigarettes at the age of 16-17. A large number of these children are those who become addicted to e-cigarettes by the time they are 18 years old.
E-cigarette expert Dr. Ajay Lekhi rightly said that the government completely banned the ban of e-cigarettes and said that e-cigarettes should be completely banned near schools. While cigarettes are being sold indiscriminately in these places.
image source:internet
E-cigarettes are harmful like common cigarettes
Ajay Lekhi says that e-cigarette smoke causes damage to human lungs in the same way as ordinary cigarettes. If a teacher ordered a gutka from a child, strict action should be taken against that staff or teacher.
He said that the most dangerous thing is that in order to woo children and minors, e-cigarette is available in the market in different flavors as well as in the form of candy. Like an inhaler, a child from a small class starts holding e cigarettes in the shape of candy, which later starts smoking the common cigarette.
Business running like Organized Crime
The e-cigarette business can be seen in malls, under flyovers, in paan shops, in the small market of Shahdara, Kasturba Nagar, 2 No. Loni Road, under a bridge, in many places. According to one figure, the annual turnover of e-cigarette in Delhi is 4000 crores.
A source associated with the Delhi Police said that it is operating in the city as an organized crime, in which gang miscreants are using small children to sell e cigarettes and give 50 to 100 rupees. .
This causes cancer
Dr. DR Rai, Dean of the IMA Academy of Paramedical, said that e-cigarettes contain liquid type nicotine, which is inhaled as a vapor. Many of its categories are available in the market. Due to heating them, heavy metal particles go inside the body. Which is carcinogenic and causes cancer.
The Government of India has just banned, while it is already banned in countries like Canada, Singapore, European countries have put a lot of regulation on it. This is a refined mode of cigarette.
Former AIIMS Dean and Cancer Specialist Dr. P.K. Julka said that nicotine in e-cigarettes may be less than the common cigarette but it causes chemical cancer in it, only then it is often seen that a non-smoker can get lame cancer. This is a great example of passive smoking.
What is best daily routine for healthy life...? How can i stay energetic everyday ? and many more question comes in their mind.
I heard from many people ,who belongs with a busy lifestyle, have more bank balanced but they take drugs to sleep well ,relax well. off-course 'they need to set daily routine to keep energetic and have healthy lifestyle.' We know very well to the importance of time , for example - train ,buses are running at their fixed time, we organised meeting and every one arrived at right time , our office, school, collage are open and close at their scheduled time.
when everything is scheduled and give us better result then why we not scheduled our daily routine??
In current time to keep fit and fine himself is a big challenge. Everyone is so busy they have no time to care their body. Here I tell you some easy way to keep energetic. What we should do ?
it is easy and affordable .
follow this steps and you will really filing better...
Go on bed right time and your sleeping time period will be at-least 6-7 hours daily.
When you sleep early, you will wake-up early in the next morning.
When you woke up, after brush on your teeth, take a glass of plane water.
Take your comfortable exercise or yoga at least 15-20 minutes daily.
Take your breakfast between 7 to 9 a.m.
Think about your goal
Pack your lunch.
Take a bottle of water.
Go at your work place with smiling face.
Our body is just like a machine. It also need rest and diet to work properly and we should care about it. make changes your busy lifestyle into awesome healthy and energetic lifestyle.
गर्मी के मौसम में आपके सेहत के लिए सबसे ज्यादा जरूरी है डाइट का
ख्याल रखना। इस मौसम में अगर आप ठीक से डाइट का ख्याल नहीं रखेंगे तो बीमार पड़ना
तय है।
गर्मी के मौसम में आपके सेहत के लिए
सबसे ज्यादा जरूरी है डाइट का ख्याल रखना। इस मौसम में अगर आप ठीक से डाइट का
ख्याल नहीं रखेंगे तो बीमार पड़ना तय है। गर्मीमें तापमान बढ़ने से हमारे शरीर पर उसका
असर पड़ता है। गर्मियों में पाचन तंत्र भी कमजोर पड़ जाता है, इसलिए जरूरी है कि
ताजा और हल्का डाइट लें।
ऐसे करें दिन की शुरुआत
गर्मी के मौसम में अपने दिन की शुरुआत
एक ग्लास पानी पीने के साथ करें। सुबह हेल्दी नास्ता करें, जिससे आपके शरीर में
लंबे वक्त तक एनर्जी बनी रहे। नास्ते में कार्बोहाइड्रेट और प्रोटीन से भरपूर
चीजें मसलनफ्रूट्स, छाछ, दूध, दही, अंडा, को शामिल करें। खाने में उन चीजों को शामिल करें जिससे आपके शरीर में
पानी की कमी ना हो। दिन की शुरुआत कभी भूखे पेट नहीं करनी चाहिए।
गर्मियों में क्या खाएं?
मौसमी फल और हरी सब्जियां ज्यादा से
ज्यादा खाएं। डाइट में तरबूज और खरबूजा, खीरा, ककरी, पुदीना को शामिल करें। इसमें 90% पानी होता है साथ ही
ये विटामिन-A, एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट और कैल्शियम से भी भरपूर होता है। खाने में दही को
शामिल करें। डाइट में प्याज को भी शामिल करें, प्याज में क्वेरिस्टिंग होता है जो
गर्मी में आपकी स्कीन पर पड़ने वाली रैशेज में आपको आराम पहुंचाती है। इस मौसम में
घर का बना और आसानी से पचने वाला खाना ही खाना चाहिए।
लिक्विड ज्यादा लें
छाछ, लस्सी, नीबू पानी, नारियल पानी को डाइट में शामिल करें। गर्मी के मौसम में शरीर में
पानी की कमी (डी-हाइड्रेशन) हो जाती है, इसलिए भरपूर मात्रा में पानी पीएं। आपको
रोजाना 3 से 4 लीटर पानी जरूर पीना चाहिए। ताजे फलों का रस खूब पीएं, लेकिन डिब्बाबंद जूस
का पीने से बचें। ग्रीन टी भी पी सकते हैं लेकिन अल्कोहल और कैफीन का सेवन कम कर
when our computer becomes old after sometime, or when we work more with
our PC its performance goes slow day per days. Today we know how to boost our PC/computer/laptops performance without internet connection.
How do it:You can do it in 2 ways-
appear in your PC search menu.
on adjust the appearance and performance of the windows.(new window will open
here after click)
on adjust for best performance then click on custom and then mark on only *
save task bar thumbnail previews.
*so thumbnails instead of
*smooth edges of screen
Now click on
apply and then ok. After this process restart your computer
Tell me your
experience in comment section…thank you!
·Follow this steps:open control panel >system and security > system > advance
system setting .
there are new pop up window open, here you will see performance, now click on
its setting. Then new window will open here.
follow the same instruction as told in 1st method. r
Friends, applying oil on hair is very beneficial. For our hair and for our heads for health.
But in this fashion world people who apply hair oil. His hair is braided about them, it is said that he is teased. Due to which he stops applying oil in people's hair and starts using gel etc. instead of oil. Which is not a good sign for our hair and for our health at all.
We get to hear or see different opinions or opinions from different people. Out of all those differences and opinions, what is right, what is wrong?
If you do not understand anything, then friends, today we know in this post, what are the benefits of applying oil to hair?
As our title tells us, today we are going to know in this post. What do we gain from applying oil to hair? So all the benefits given below are from applying oil on our hair and they come to know
What are the benefits of applying hair oil
• Applying oil to the hair daily reduces the evidence of hair breakage and double mouth hair.
• Applying oil to the hair everyday keeps the mind calm and helps us sleep well. Along with this, the evidence of headache is also reduced.
• By applying oil to the hair every day, the hair gets nourishment, so that the hair also grows well and stays strong.
• By applying oil to the hair daily, the chances of getting dandruff in the hair decreases. If dandruff in the hair is too much evidence, it is best to consult doctors before applying oil.
• By applying oil to the hair everyday, the hair becomes black, their texture improves.
• If applied daily to hair, hair does not turn white quickly. Such experts say.
• If your screen is dry, then you should apply hair oil every day. Which will be best for you.
• If you have big hair, do not wash them frequently and when you go to take a shower. So before that oil must be applied to your hair. This can prove to be very beneficial for the nutrition of your hair.
• If you apply coconut oil to your hair, it would be best to use Jaswand oil in that oil.
• You have to grow hair or not. You should keep applying oil in your hair in both situations. Applying oil to the hair daily does not irritate the soles of the feet. One such control has emerged.
Note: - If your hair turns gray, or if you have a problem of hair fall. So you massage with cow's ghee for 10 minutes before sleeping at night [for 1 month]. Your problem will be solved soon.
So friends, now you must have understood what are the benefits to our hair and our body by applying oil to hair.
If you do not add oil to your hair, we will request you to apply oil to your hair. Applying oil not only provides nutrition to your hair, along with that your body also suffers from the damage caused by applying oil to your hair.
It has been revealed in one touch that people who do not put oil in their hair become very irritable. Their mind is not calm and they do not sleep well at night. Which also affects their health.
Hope you guys, all of you must have liked today's post "What are the benefits of applying hair oil" and if you do not apply oil on your hair, you will try to apply oil in your hair from today itself.
It’s Not Just Cervical Cancer, HPV Is a Major Cause of Oral, Anal, and Penile Cancer
While there’s an HPV vaccine, many people eligible haven’t gotten the shot.
point out that the HPV vaccine can help prevent the virus that can
cause a variety of cancers including anal, penile, and oral cancer.
More than 70 percent of people didn’t know that HPV could cause these types of cancer.
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
is a known cause of multiple forms of cancer. However, many Americans
aren’t aware or taking appropriate steps to protect themselves.
In a new research letter published this week in JAMA PediatricsTrusted Source,
researchers found that
many Americans are uninformed about the HPV
infection, the HPV vaccine, and the relationship between HPV and certain
forms of cancer, including penile, anal, and oral.
This lack of knowledge likely means that many are unknowingly increasing their risk of cancer despite an available and easily accessible vaccine.
Researchers looked at a national sample of more than 6,000 people (more than half women) to gauge their knowledge about HPV.
Their findings indicate that there’s an immediate need to better inform the public about the disease as a cause of cancer.
Among their findings:
vaccination coverage remains far below the current goal set for 2020 of
80 percent (currently 44.3 percent for boys and 53.1 percent for
Across all age groups, 70 percent of U.S. adults didn’t know that HPV causes oral, anal, and penile cancers.
Men are disproportionately less knowledgeable about HPV, the HPV vaccine, and HPV-related cancers than women.
overwhelming number of older individuals (ages 46 and older) are not
knowledgeable about HPV, the HPV vaccine, and HPV-related cancers.
Men are less likely to be vaccinated against HPV than women.
knowledge gap between men and women is one of the most substantial
parts of the research.
It demonstrates that while prior public awareness
campaigns about HPV vaccination toward women have been effective, more
work needs to be done to encourage men to also undergo vaccination.
The HPV vaccine, sold under the trade names Gardasil and Cervarix, was first approved by the FDA in 2006.
Historically, the HPV vaccine was predominantly targeted at women due to the association between HPV and cervical cancer.
According to the National Cancer InstituteTrusted Source,
“virtually all cervical cancers are caused by HPV.” But with increasing
awareness of HPV’s role in other cancers, a shift is needed to address
individuals who may be at risk.
“Men know less about the cancers
that are common in men. For example, penile cancer. It only occurs among
men, but generally more women than men know that HPV causes penile
cancer,” said Ashish A. Deshmukh,
PhD, MPH, an author of the study and assistant professor in the
department of management, policy, and community health at UF Health
School of Public Health.
But many, particularly men, remain unaware of this association.
burden of HPV-associated cancers is now moving toward anal cancer,
oropharyngeal cancer, and these non-cervical HPV-associated cancers. Yet
we know less that HPV causes these cancers,” Dr. Deshmukh said.
He noted that while both incidents and deaths associated with cervical cancer have been declining for many years, other forms including anal and penile cancer have been increasing.
The study’s findings on the lack of public awareness on HPV, vaccination, and cancer aren’t surprising, Dr. David Fagan, vice chair of pediatrics at Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park, New York, told Healthline.
the HPV vaccine was first licensed, they really marketed it toward
preventing genital warts and they did not market the vaccine that was
going to prevent cancer,”
Fagan said. “Once they started focusing on HPV
as the virus that causes cervical cancer and these other cancers, we
started to see more acceptance of the vaccine.”
The question posed
by the new research is how to go about better informing the public —
and parents in particular — about the risks posed by HPV-associated
cancers and when to get vaccinated.
Parents need to become more
knowledgeable. As the study points out:
“The lack of HPV knowledge among
adults aged 27 to 45, and 46 years and older, is concerning given that
adults in these age groups are (or will likely be) the parents
responsible for making HPV vaccination decisions for their children.”
Who should get the HPV vaccine
Today the CDC recommendsTrusted Source that children receive the HPV vaccine over 2 doses between the ages of 11 and 12.
further recommended that everyone up through age 26 receive it. Adults
ages 27 through 45 are now approved to get the vaccine, but it will
likely offer less benefit.
Both Deshmukh and Fagan said that
increasing communication between parents, family members, and healthcare
providers is paramount for increasing knowledge about HPV, and
improving vaccination rates.
“Have this discussion early. You can
actually immunize children as early as age 9 with the HPV vaccine,
however most providers begin at age 11. But the conversation should not
begin at age 11. The conversation needs to begin a year or two years
before that,” Fagan said.